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  • Re: Custom Template

    Here is the code I have in the htm file, it's just straight html.&#160; Other then the htm file I created I added the template item to the resources.xml file.&#160; I know the images are not appearing because they have to be absolute links instead of relative.&#160; But I have not yet added the code to store and retrieve the images from a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by twilliams558 on January 25, 2005
  • Custom Template

    I created a custom template htm page.&#160; When I run cutesoft and insert my template it does not display at the top of the page like it should instead there is a bunch of white space then&#160;the page displays at the bottom.&#160; Any suggestions?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by twilliams558 on January 25, 2005