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  • Re: CuteEditor & DotNetNuke access right problem

    Hi Adam, that's weird that you can't get any errors. Did you try to add picture on your html module? Are you using DNN 3.x or 2.x ? I am using DNN 2.1.2 and I think that problem must be with the cuteEditor cause the defaultEditor works fine. I hope you can soon solve this problem.&#160;Thanks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mtaimen on January 25, 2005
  • Re: CuteEditor & DotNetNuke access right problem

    Yes, as I mentioned in PM we are still using CuteEditor 3 in our public site. But our test server is using CuteEditor 4 and the problem is exactly the same.&#160;I think Lucast is right. Problem is probably with child portals. We are using a lot&#160;of them&#160;so we need it to work also with the child portals. Someone please tell me what to do ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mtaimen on January 24, 2005
  • CuteEditor & DotNetNuke access right problem

    Hi everyone, I am using CuteEditor 4 with DotNetNuke 2.1.2. and I&#160;have this problem with Security Roles. The editor works fine when I use my host account, but when I login for example with admin account and try to update the page after editing I get this error: ''Either you are not currently logged in, or you do not have the rights to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mtaimen on January 20, 2005