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  • Re: Create Popup on Icon (image) Click

    Thank you for the response, but that solution doesn't work very well for me.&nbsp; I am dynamically inserting controls into my page (form), so when I use &lt;%= xx %&gt; strings, .NET gives me errors saying that I can't dynamically add/change controls in a form that uses those string types.&nbsp; Any ideas?&nbsp; Error I am getting when trying to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by JonE on July 14, 2006
  • Create Popup on Icon (image) Click

    I'm trying to code the editor so that when someone clicks the 'New' icon they get a javascript popup that asks if they really want to clear the document.&nbsp; I realize they could just hit the 'undo' icon, but you know users aren't that smart sometimes.&nbsp; If I use the following code, I can easily attach my javascript method to the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by JonE on July 13, 2006