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  • Pasting MS Word, loses format, changes font ?

    Hi&#160;When I paste the content of the attached document into the editor, it seems to lose format and when i re-display it in ms word, the font has changed from arial to Times New Roman.&#160;It behaves differently when I user ConfirmWord as the PasteBehaviour. When I choose not to clean the code, it mainly seems to display ok in preview mode ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jameswhittaker on June 30, 2005
  • Re: Onclick Javascript error ?

    Hi &nbsp; Thanks for the reply. &nbsp; It seems to have corrected itself now. I had been trying a few similar controls, and after i had removed all the references from the project/page etc&nbsp;to the others, the problem seemed to go away. Was odd as only the references remained, no imports, actual use of other controls etc. Anyhow, that is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jameswhittaker on July 30, 2004
  • Onclick Javascript error ?

    Hi &nbsp; Every time i click the mouse within the editor, i get a javascript error, object required. When i debug the JS in visual studio, the highlighted line is : &nbsp; var host ='UploadDialog.aspx?Id=_ctl0' + ((document.getElementById('_ctl0').value!='') ? '&amp;amp;selectedfile=' + document.getElementById('_ctl0').value : ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jameswhittaker on July 30, 2004