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  • V 5.2 and style sheet double quotes

    Per separate thread, you indicate that after post back, double-quotes are available. However, I have no idea how to redo our workflow and program to handle this optimization. &nbsp; How do we handle this? - Our Save/submit button posts to the server, and at that point, we are grabbing the content and storing it in XML in a CDATA ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Re: Ver 5.2. Can't enter keystrokes in editor window.

    I just ran into this in an older version of Firefox. When I upgraded to 1.5 it worked fine.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Re: Stylesheet behavior in 5.2

    How do we handle this? - Our Save/submit button posts to the server, and at that point, we are grabbing the content and storing it in XML in a CDATA section. At that point, we have no quotes in our XML.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Stylesheet behavior in 5.2

    In version prior to 5.2, stylesheets could be applied to text and the resulting html was in the form of &lt;span class=''myclass''&gt; &nbsp; with 5.2, the double-quotation marks have been removed, and this is breaking the rest of our application. Is there a setting in 5.2 that can control this behavior and allow us to chose double quotes vs. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Re: 5.2 is a disaster

    OK - 1 down, 1 to go. Firefox 1.5 fixes the editing problem. &nbsp; Now here is my remaining delema &nbsp; In version prior to 5.2, stylesheets could be applied to text and the resulting html was in the form of &lt;span class=''myclass''&gt; &nbsp; with 5.2, the double-quotation marks have been removed, and this is breaking the rest of our ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Re: 5.2 is a disaster

    Upgrading to FireFox 1.5 (latest) fixed that problem. Still need to look at the tags issues. I will post details more after testing.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Re: 5.2 is a disaster

    Example &nbsp; &nbsp; produces the problem for me as it allows a post back. Once the post back occurs, the editor cannot be used anymore - no cursor - nothing. &nbsp; Environment is Firefox 1.0.6, and Mac OS X version 10.4.5
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Re: 5.2 is a disaster

    The example does display and of course you can edit (on a Mac) the first time around, but that example does not re-display the same content in the editor after a post back and that is where the problem exists. This does not happen in Windows.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • 5.2 is a disaster

    We upgraded to 5.2 and am in incredible pain right now and have reverted back to a previous version. Since NEVER replies to any emails we send, I am putting this up in the hopes that it gets proper attention. Here ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 29, 2006
  • Adding javascript into page - injection filter disable?

    Hi, we want to add a bit of javascript to do a simple - If we paste into cute editor, the result when posted back reads - inject script filtered Is there a way around this so that we can add simple javascript such as this? Thanks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kwilkens on March 8, 2006