
You searched for the word(s): table
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  • cell, row, table and html end tags

    I need to be able to edit a page template that has a header and footer.   The header and footer are stored seperately in a database as the page content is dynamically generated.   The header file needs to end on an open cell <td>   When I save it the editor is adding the </td></tr></table></html> ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by andytauber on December 30, 2005
  • Cannot modify table properties if SetSecurityAllowUpload is set to false

    Ok, this is from way out of left field. The editor was working fine, we updated to version 5 and we started getting an error on the page when trying to use any of the buttons that caused pop-up layers (like clean-up HTML, insert images, etc). I had to comment out the following line for it to work: ' 'pageContentEditor.SetSecurityAllowMove(False) ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Preludean on November 29, 2005
  • Re: Issue with the size of table property window in version5

    Thanks Adam, we can resize the table property window now,but can we also set the scrollbars to that window?  because we can only resize its height upto the height of our monitor,say as if my display settings are 1024x768 pixels , and the height of the cell is more than 550pxthen in that case i am unable to see ''ok cancel'' buttons
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by gurpreet on October 28, 2005
  • Re: Can i able to create custom buttons with 1 to N numbers? based upon database table record count

    Hi,  The Given examples shows me to create custom button in tool bar etc.. but my question is can i create 5 or 6 buttons at a time,  i mean when my page loading time can i able to create 5 custom buttons based on the database table's record count? i mean if i give 1 to 5 in for loop, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by anbaz on September 18, 2005
  • Table problems

    Hello! We are using cuteeditor on our new homepage and are having problems with tables. If we have a table with images and text and it looks all right sometimes when we save it all becomes a mess. The only way to clean this up is to start from scratch. 1) Do you recognize this - is there any solution? 2) How do I know which version we are using ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ylvah on August 11, 2005
  • Re: Table wizard does not work in CE 4.5

    Hi Adam, When you release an upgrade of the CE package, it would be nice to know if there are changes to the client files or just the compiled dll file. Now I have to run a diff check on the current and previous client files to check if any changed files must be deployed to our production server. If you would change the release date in the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Zapotec on June 23, 2005
  • Re: Insert Table Bug

    wh1974.   >>At this stage the new table is inserted but when I attempt to select a column, what happens is that cells from the previous column are also selected. This is a problem as my users would like to set the text justification for all cells in a single column.   You have to set text justification for all cells one by one ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 7, 2007
  • div tag disappears

    <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments InsertText=''Upload '' runat=''server'' ManualStartUpload=''true'' ID=''Attachments1'' MultipleFilesUpload=''true'' OnAttachmentRemoveClicked=''Attachments1_AttachmentDelete''> </CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments> above control is inside the div tag, when the uploadfinished, the div tag gets disappears. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by senthilkumart on March 4, 2010
  • Re: Table names/connectionstring conflicts

    I've spent some time wandering through the documentation from the download, and I do think this is probably within reach...I'm trying to clear some other projects from my desk for a full frontal assault, and will hassle you on specific points if so. Thanks a bunch. By the way, why is it that some of the links don't work? For ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by jjonesdtrt on May 4, 2007
  • Re: Protect table (html) contents

    Hi Adam, I can replicate it from your demo page in Firefox.  <table border=''0'' cellpadding=''4'' cellspacing=''4''> ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by ReqMan on February 6, 2011
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