
You searched for the word(s): insert
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  • Re: System.OutOfMemoryException using insert document dialog

    I sent this issue to with FileMon log over a week ago but have had no response so lets try it here. I have tried the latest download and the demo site and can reproduce the problem by simply uploading a few word documents. Initially the dialog opens quickly - almost instantly, then after adding a few word docs it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by icon on October 24, 2008
  • Re: Insert dynamic content into template

    Hi Adam, I would like to add dynamic content into the actual template i.e the .htm file - is this possible?Can we use aspx?Also is there a way to seperate user input from the actual template - therefore i do not have commit the whole template to the database and just the user input? Stuart
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stuart on November 28, 2005
  • turn off upload option in "insert hyperlink"

    When you click ''insert hyperlink'' > ''browse'' you are giving a button allowing you to upload files to the uploads folder.   Is there a way to deny this option. There is a different way to upload to the uploads folder in my site and i want to take that option out of the ''insert hyperlink'' popup
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Benava on February 9, 2009
  • Re: API issues / PasteHtml aka insert HTML

    also when I insert an image now it deletes any existing content in the cuteeditor   here's a live sample site you can look at   this build has your new constant.js file update   oompah says: 15:29:34 oompah says: 15:29:40 login: test / test oompah ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by oompah on February 12, 2009
  • Re: Using the Upload Button in the Insert Image Dialog

    I was hoping that I would see something in your editor parameters that enabled the upload image button.  I do not see anything there.  So the problem still remains that my Upload button in the insert image dialog does nothing.  I would appreciate any ideas that would fix this issue as this function is essential for our use of the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Chaplain Doug on April 10, 2009
  • Re: Security Exception with Insert Image

    Hi again,i'm back with more. I've talked to the hosting company and all the rights are sets correctly. I've created the CuteEditorTemp folder and added the CuteEditorTempPath key to to web config. The aspnet account has write access.If I open the Insert Image dialog, it comes up fine while the directory is empty. I select a file and upload. The ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by on September 19, 2006
  • Insert Template - additionally code coming

    Hi sir, When i insert a template i got this code additionally, ''#insert#$ti-81-ti$@#insert#$dd--dd$@#insert#$dt-5646-dt$@#insert#$su-IDB TEST-su$@'' Can u pls tell me how to fix this? or how to avoid this code.... Thanks,P. Rajmohan
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rajmohanp on October 21, 2011
  • Re: Insert Image Errors

    <%@ Register tagprefix="CE" namespace="CuteEditor" assembly="CuteEditor" %>  <%@ Page language="c#" %>  <html>      <head>      </head>     ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on November 13, 2013
  • Re: Error on "Insert Image"

    Where should I specify the UploadUrl?   I already changed the config in default.config, admin.config and guest.config. But it keeps showing the above error message "uploader require form if scope. UploadUrl is not specified".   After clicking the OK-Button, I can see the images in the specified directory (this also happens ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mwinata on September 9, 2013
  • Re: How can I set control to make insert image no width and height tag info?

    Hi oksummer,   if you do not need the widht and height property of the img target anymore, please try the example below. the HTMLfilter code will remove the widht/height property for all ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on September 4, 2012
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