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  • Re: Downloadable Zip file not working!?

    ajones, &nbsp; I just made&nbsp;a test. That zip file&nbsp;is not&nbsp;corrupt. It can't be empty. Can you try again?
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 9, 2004
  • Re: Security hole ?

    Kazoo, &nbsp; Yeah, that makes sense. &nbsp; But if&nbsp;some developers want to use the document downloadable files button as a mimi file manager, they will need this feature. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 9, 2004
  • Re: Security hole ?

    For the normal users you can set the editor property AllowUpload=''false''. &nbsp; Make sure only the right people can upload the document/files.
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 9, 2004
  • Re: Cannot Create CuteEditor_Files from DLL

    &nbsp; No Access is denied any more! &nbsp; The&nbsp;previous version we use the Embedding resources to deploy the files. At run-time, when the first hit comes to the page, CuteEditor control will check for the needed files,images, and as it won't be there, it will create the folder and extract files from assembly. &nbsp; In order to save ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 9, 2004
  • Re: Hide/Remove Save Button

    &nbsp; You can use the predefined sets of buttons and just remove&nbsp;some buttons. &nbsp; For example, the following setting enables all the buttons and menus, and disables the Save, Bold, Italic buttons. &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;CE:Editor id=''Editor1''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 9, 2004
  • Re: How to integrate CuteEditor for .NET with the DotNetNuke 2.0?

    The following table shows the steps to implement a CuteEditor Control into DotNetNuke 2.0 application. &nbsp; Step 1 :&nbsp;&nbsp; Add a reference to CuteEditor and deploy license file &nbsp; &nbsp; First, launch Visual Studio .NET and open DotNetNuke project.&nbsp; Delete the reference to Freetextbox assembly&nbsp;and add the ...
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by Adam on June 9, 2004
  • Re: Access id denied: 'CuteEditor'

    No Access is denied any more! &nbsp; The&nbsp;previous version we use the Embedding resources to deploy the files. At run-time, when the first hit comes to the page, CuteEditor control will check for the needed files,images, and as it won't be there, it will create the folder and extract files from assembly. &nbsp; In order to save files on ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 8, 2004
  • Re: After Save method is called, editor content is wipped out and replaced with an x

    Eastwood, &nbsp; All the old files in the CuteEditor_files directory (or the directory set by your editor FilesPath property)should be replaced by the files in new version. &nbsp; Also make sure your form action attribute point to the right target page: &nbsp; &lt;form name=''theForm'' action=''Get_HtmlContent.asp'' method=''post'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 8, 2004
  • Re: License Request

    Pedro, &nbsp; We checked our record. We've created the license file for the following site: &nbsp; &nbsp; I will resend this license file to you shortly. &nbsp; Have&nbsp;you bought another license file for other domain name? &nbsp; If so, please let me know.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Adam on June 7, 2004
  • Re: License file and Code Snippets bugg fix

    Darin, &nbsp; SInce May 27, we have sent&nbsp;the license&nbsp;file&nbsp;to you seven times. I can't figure out why you didn't receive any of them. I will give another try. If you still can't receive the license file. Please email us using a different email address.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 6, 2004