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  • Re: Fontsize adjust question

    Geoffrey, &nbsp; The fontsite dropdown renders the code as followings: &nbsp; &lt;font size=4&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Your text goes here&lt;/font&gt; &nbsp; The SIZE attribute allows you to set your font to an abstract size ranging from 1 to 7. The exact type size corresponding to each of these values is left to your browser. You can't ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 23, 2004
  • Re: forcing paragraphs with one line of text

    Aluminum, &nbsp; You can use Editor.XHTML Property to retrieves the CuteEditor HTML content in well-formed XHTML format. &nbsp; I think that will resolve your problems.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 22, 2004
  • Re: cute editor bug!!!!

    Fabiana, &nbsp; It's not a bug. &nbsp; You can defines what happens when the ''enter'' key is pressed in the editor&nbsp;in the following editor properties. Property Name Description UseDivOnCarriageReturn use &lt;div &gt; tags on enter keypress instead of &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;tags UseBROnCarriageReturn use &lt;br&gt; tags ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 22, 2004
  • Re: forcing paragraphs with one line of text

    You can defines what happens when the ''enter'' key is pressed in the editor&nbsp;in the BreakMode enumeration.This enumeration has three values. Member Name Description UseDivOnCarriageReturn use &lt;div &gt; tags on enter keypress instead of &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;tags UseBROnCarriageReturn use &lt;br&gt; tags on enter keypress ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 21, 2004
  • Re: Newbiw ?s: XHTML, code compaction, table editing

    Aluminum, &nbsp; Please try the following steps: Click on the table to select it. Move your mouse to the edge of the table and, when your cursor changes into the double-headed arrow&nbsp;then double click with the mouse. A window will pop up that will show the table properties. Change what you wish and then click ''OK'' at the bottom of ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 17, 2004
  • Re: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value . . .

    To prevent some script-injection attacks , with request validation turned off, you need to HTML encode the content of other controls on the form. &nbsp; HTML encoding will automatically replace any &lt; or &gt; (together with several other symbols) with their corresponding HTML encoded representation. For example, &lt; is replaced by ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 17, 2004
  • Re: forcing paragraphs with one line of text

    Please check the following thread: &nbsp; &nbsp; Hope it helps.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 17, 2004
  • Re: BGcolor property

    Ciprian, &nbsp; Just set BgColor property as followings: &nbsp; &lt;asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText = ''Title''&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;ItemTemplate&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, ''FirstName'') ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 17, 2004
  • Re: Looking to purchase, but having an issue

    No Access is denied any more. &nbsp; The&nbsp;previous version we use the Embedding resources to deploy the files. At run-time, when the first hit comes to the page, CuteEditor control will check for the needed files,images, and as it won't be there, it will create the folder and extract files from assembly. &nbsp; In order to save files on ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 17, 2004
  • Re: Newbiw ?s: XHTML, code compaction, table editing

    3) Is there any way to either strip and/or set the width attribute of tables? &nbsp; Yes, you can edit table properties. &nbsp; Just put your mouse cursor on the table's border and double-click it to edit its properties.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 16, 2004