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  • Re: Insert image dialog size

    Zapotec, &nbsp; That's a known issue. We will have a better solution in the next version. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 4, 2004
  • Re: Upgrade to Version 3 problem

    Mike, &nbsp; I think the&nbsp;relative path caused the problem, please try using the&nbsp;ImageGallery property like the following code:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;CE:Editor id=''Editor1 ImageGallery=''~/Uploads/1'' runat=''server'' &gt;&lt;/CE:Editor&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; or: &nbsp; &lt;CE:Editor id=''Editor1 ImageGallery=''/Uploads/1'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 3, 2004
  • Re: Problem with the insert Image Button and Data Grid

    somgarga, &nbsp; Which version of CuteEditor are you using? &nbsp; Please check the Thublist.ascx line 20, make sure it is as followings: &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;ItemTemplate&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;img border=''0'' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; src=''&lt;%# ThumbUrl((String)(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,''Name''))) ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 3, 2004
  • Re: Question regarding image properties.

    dm, &nbsp; You can't change the menu icon image size right now. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on August 2, 2004
  • Re: Compatible browsers.

    GWBasic, &nbsp; CuteChat is compatible with&nbsp;most popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator and Mozilla. No plugins or software installation required.&nbsp; &nbsp; You can find all the online demo from: &nbsp;;tabid=32&nbsp; &nbsp; CuteChat.SPLib or one of its ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on August 2, 2004
  • Re: HowTo: Modify some default values for Insert Image and Insert Table Panels?

    &nbsp;KenA wrote: 1. When inserting an image, by default &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hspace=5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; align=baseline &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; How can I make it default to:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 2, 2004
  • Re: Upgrade to Version 3 problem

    Mike, &nbsp; 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' is&nbsp;a bug in the version 3.0. We will fix it in the next release. &nbsp; About ''the images appear as text with a red X next to it'',&nbsp; have you replaced all the client scripts with the latest scripts? &nbsp; If so, can you post your configuration setting of the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 2, 2004
  • Re: what a pitty... A good gallery but how..?

    picaa, &nbsp; You don't need to upload all the folder and images to your server. &nbsp; All you need to create a simple example are as followings: &nbsp; 1. Bin folder (which contains the DotNetGallery.dll, DotNetGallery.lic) 2.&nbsp;default.aspx 3. samplefolder &nbsp; Keep me posted. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on July 31, 2004
  • Re: Big delay

    Hi&nbsp;leleba and sdfsadf, &nbsp; You can change the interval time by making changes to the&nbsp;chat.js.aspx: &nbsp; &nbsp; /****************************************************************\ Global Variables \****************************************************************/var cc_interval_updatemessage=3000;&nbsp; //Update Messages per 3 ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on July 31, 2004
  • Re: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'

    Rgain, &nbsp; When you use ASP.NET, the default security context is the aspnet_wp account (or NetworkService account, for an application that runs on IIS 6.0) for both Aspnet_wp.exe (or W3wp.exe, for an application that runs on IIS 6.0) and the request to SQL Server. &nbsp; By default, the aspnet_wp account (or NetworkService account, for an ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on July 31, 2004