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This issue has been resolved in the version 5.2.Editor.EnableObjectResizing Property is introduced in this new version.Editor.EnableObjectResizing PropertySpecify whether or not to allow the users resize an object winthin the Cute Editor. For example, if you want to prevent people from resizing images, table winthin the Cute Editor, ...
I noticed a bug in IE7 related to the table tab of the table properties dialog. Just do the following to replicate this on the demo site:
1) Create a table
2) Right-click and go to table > Properties
3) Go to the Table tab
4) Click on either the background color or border color boxes
In Firefox, you get a color ...
When generating a PDF from the CuteEditor control, I've noticed a bit of a quirk in that text in table cells tends to become top aligned, leading to a large gap below the text, which is messing up my layout somewhat.
This can be reproduced by pasting the following HTML into the PDF generation demo and viewing the generated PDF:
<table ...
This is the html in a table that looks like I want it to when viewed with IE, but it renders much differently when viewed with Mozilla.
I am not a programmer, which is why I use your product.
Here is the table html, any ideas?
<div><table class='''' title='''' style=''WIDTH: 758px; ...
ReqMan:Thanks Eric, any ETA on this?
RegMan, I suggest you use the following code for the time ...
Thanks for quick response.I need to know how to disable resize option for a particular table.
Say for eg
<table style=''width: 468px; height: 476px'' cellspacing=''0'' cellpadding=''0'' border=''0'' enableobjectresizing=''false''>
Dear tajamal,
Please open ''/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/ChatAdmin/Log.aspx''
You can find the following line:
<%@ Page language=''c#'' Inherits=''CuteChat.ChatAdminPage'' %>
You can change it to
<%@ Page language=''c#'' %>
After done, your following requirement should can be implemented, the user don't need sign as ...
It seems to be a problem under firefox (Firefox/3.0.11). No pb using IE.
I tried the above example using Firefox. And it works fine.
My firefox version:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11 (.NET CLR ...
The order is this :
1 - item change status to 'green mark'
2 - postback event fired
3 - server side OnFileUploaded fire for each file.
Please check this sample for the table :
Ok, so here's my question then:
I am using version 6.6 integrated into our site.
In firefox, when I create a table and save, I get this:
In IE 8, when I create a table and save, I get this:
Why the difference? What do I do to ensure that users with IE 8 (and by association IE ...
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