
You searched for the word(s): insert
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  • Use own image selector on "insert image"

    there r different users using my web app, all the images r in the same folder but the information which images a user is allowed to see/use is specified in my database;i've used another WYSIWYG-editor before and rewrote it use my insert_image.aspx-Popup instead of its own module;is there a similar possibility in CuteEditor or do i have to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mycroftg on June 3, 2005
  • "Insert images" button

      1. What does the ''Preview'' button on the ''Insert images'' page do? 2. The ''Preview'' buttons width is set to 70px. In Norwegian locale, this value must be 85px to avoid cropping of text. 3. The text in the preview area ''The next version of the Microsoft...'' should be changeable to suit my language and customers.   I realize ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Zapotec on January 15, 2004
  • Re: Allowing image upload but not insert

    >>Is there any way to disable the insert button on the image upload dialog? Yes. Please open the InsertImage.Frame.aspx file.And change the following code:<div align=''center'' style=''padding-top:4px;''>       <input class=''inputbuttoninsert'' type=''button'' value=''[[Insert]]'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 20, 2006
  • Re: upload .flv files using CuteEditor 6.0's insert flash button

    mdld: Do I need to enable anything to see the flv ?   as you can see from the image below I dont get the Enable Flash menu and Allow FullScreen options on my dialog   also when I select a flv the right side window doesnt play the flv. but as the second image show it says its not available ?    Please help   on ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on May 25, 2010
  • Re: insert links to a other tab at the dnn portal

     ludis wrote:I thought I was going crazy...the links menu does not display using firefox...let me know if this is a problem on my end or a known issue...THanks   It's a known issue. We will resolve it in the version 6.0.    ludis wrote:PS This is a great feature for DNN users, but it is virtually hidden...even when you ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 13, 2006
  • Re: Insert Hyperlink Button Causes Error on Duplicate Install

    The following situation happened to other developers before:   When you are using the Visual Studio IDE to include the '' CuteEditor'' folder into your Visual Studio project, it prompts you to create a code-behind file for the *.aspx. If you select ''Yes'', the a new code-behind files will be created by the Visual Studio IDE. For example: ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on November 30, 2005
  • Re: (urgent)Need Help regarding adding new button in cute editor5.x between "image gallery" and "insert image" buttons

    as i have already descibe u in my deatail section that i just donot want to add cusom button or adons button i need the core functionality of the inner section from where other buttons are just made...thanx for reply and plz make it fast * and one thing more the dialog must be as same as image gallery....thanx
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by newtech_developer on March 3, 2007
  • Re: insert image browse

    Adam, I am using both Internet Explorer and Safari. My client will be using a Mac and Safari.   This might be a bit embarassing. I click the Upload and another box opens up with the ability to locate my file on my computer. Possibile in a newer version, the upload has changed and I am looking at some documentation for an older ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jfeeney on March 9, 2009
  • Re: Set default ImageGallery Height and Width on insert

    Adam: hyung,   Please open CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Dialogs\InsertGallery.aspx and find the following code:         <td class=''normal'' style=''padding-left:3px''>        <CE:UploadSingleFile id=''myuploadFile'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by hyung on May 17, 2007
  • Re: downloadable files / insert hyperlink > browse throw error

    Can you try the following code?   Dim Temfolder   Temfolder = ''~/images_customer/'' & Session(''EmployerID'') If Not Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Temfolder)) Then   Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Temfolder))End If   SetUploadsFolder(Temfolder) Sub ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on July 24, 2006
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