
You searched for the word(s): table
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  • Issue with the size of table property window in version5

    Unable to view ''ok'' ''cancel'' button in table property window,and also we are unable to resize window to view those buttons.For more details, suppose if we create table in CuteEditor version5, using below html and try to view the table property, you will be able to find the BUGBut in case of version4 we are able to resize the window in order to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by gurpreet on October 28, 2005
  • Table width formatting problem...

    We have a problem. We're bringing over tables from legacy FP/MSWORD documents. In doing so, the table comes across with the WIDTH attributes set for both the TABLE tag and the TD tag.   We can change the width of the table to 100% in the table editor window, but that then sets the width using a STYLE attribute...leaving both the WIDTH ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Aluminum on June 25, 2004
  • Re: PasteHTML issue

    Hi Ken   Thanks for your reply.  Actually on my end, I can easily reproduce the problem with the code you sent! If you press the ''Set Table'' button multiple times, the new tables start getting inserted inside the first ones after a couple of clicks.  I modified your example a little bit to insert the table I'm inserting, and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by syedrazi on November 8, 2011
  • Table Width

    In FireFox if you add a table to the editor, you cannot increase the width of the table beyond the boundaries of the editor. However, in IE you can make the width anything outside the bouindary of the editor. Is there any way to make the table behave the same way in IE as in FF ie for its width not to be able to increase beyond the editor ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by hassan on November 26, 2009
  • Re: Delay differences depending on view - table problem

    Did all that and still no problem. (Running IE7 and FF on XP Pro) In IE, pressing Page Up and Page Down then clicking into a cell exhibits a slight delay before typing displays, but no other problems experienced. That problem doesn't show in FF. Copying the table content from the message you wrote doesn't provide the full HTML. That's why I said ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by fredd on August 30, 2007
  • Table editor - switch off ability to delete table rows/columns

    I'm using the trial version of Cute Editor for .NET and would like to know if it is possible to switch off the red cross that appears when you click on a table (clicking the red cross deletes the row/column)  CheersIain
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Iain on August 18, 2009
  • Re: Big problem with images styled to 100% width when within table in IE8

    I have tried your exact example and, yes, it works. It sets the doctype and when switching to code-view the doctype i at the beginning of the page. When i switch back it still is there and everything works fine. But when not editing the complete document your editor removes the doctype when switching back to the Normal-view. This has to be a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Bloodcarver on August 24, 2012
  • Re: Newbiw ?s: XHTML, code compaction, table editing

    Aluminum,   I've discovered that the problem is if you have a table with border, cellspacing and cellpadding all set to 0, then you can not edit the table as there is no border to double-click on.   Yes,  that's a bug. We will write a fix to resolve this bug soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 24, 2004
  • CE doesn't work in table of updatepanel in google chrome

    This is definitely a bug. If I send trigger a ajax postback, the editor will be frozen in chrom. However, if I remove the whole <table>, CE works perfectly. Please help   <%@ Page Language=''VB'' AutoEventWireup=''false'' CodeFile=''TestChrome.aspx.vb'' Inherits=''TestChrome'' %> <%@ Register ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wolf11th on April 5, 2010
  • Table Style Border Attribute Stripped From Code

    Occurs if table border style is set to border-right, -top, -left, or -bottom the code will be removed in FireFox. Does not occur in IE7 or 8 Does not occur using just ''border'' all inclusive attribute To dupe: 1. Paste the following code into the html <table style=''border-top: red thick solid; width: 100%;''>      ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GWax on March 27, 2009
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