
You searched for the word(s): cuteeditor ajax
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  • Re: Cutesoft Editor in GridView in UpdatePanel doesn't work ???

    Hi Adam,   How is this a solution? The main reason for using the ASP.NET AJAX framework is to make rendering more efficient by using partial page rendering. If this is set to false, surely it is impossible to render parts of the page?   If there no way to render the required JS before we actually set the control to be ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by webreality on July 10, 2007
  • Re: Error on call to GetDocument

    Incognitobe: Hi Adam,   thanks for the reply which sounds quite plausible and would certainly explain the error I´m getting, but I´m quite sure I got the ID right. Here´s a snippet from the html source of the table rendered by the editor (I omitted the style attribute):   <table cellspacing=''0'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on April 19, 2010
  • Re: Iframe in editing area?

    michcb,   1. I just tested version 6.0. The Iframe tag is not stripped.   2. >>I get a compilation error and can't make it work   Please remove CuteEditor.dll from your project reference. Then add the reference to the new CuteEditor.dll. Recompile your project.   3. >>New computer, from XP Pro to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 17, 2008
  • Re: Cannot change content in CE?

    Hi,   bit of an update. Got it to take content - by putting the Editor directly in the aspx page, not dynamically from the code behind.   However it now gets more complex. We're trying to use Atlas in this site (Microsoft's take on Ajax - so basically it doesn't post the whole page back and refresh the page, but makes the call behind ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bluepictsie on May 31, 2006
  • Editor server side visible problem in Firefox 3.5+

    Hello dier Cute team. After update Firefox to latest one 3.5.3. i had detected that a lot of javascript futures stops working on my site.I am using .net 3.5 framework, Microsoft Ajax update panel, and Umbraco CMS 4.0.2. Look to current problem representation page. So you see that in Firefox set editor visble from server side crash after ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by creck_ua on September 21, 2009
  • Re: Load.ashx Handler

    Hi Adam,       I have faced the similar problem as what ''rbellow'' encountered.       But, after reading the threads and perform the suggested solutions like modifying the ''load.ashx'' file, I am still not able to resolve my problem.       In the threads, it mentioned about the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by billtang on May 4, 2007
  • CE editor frozen in tabcontainer of google chrome after ajax postback

    This is obviously a bug of CE. I put a CE editor in tabcontainer. In google chrome, if the active tab is the CE editor, everytime after I click on button to trigger a ajax postback, the editor will be frozen, some of the button images will be lost, and the text area is not accessable. If I click on another tab and then go back to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wolf11th on March 25, 2010
  • Re: AJAX.NET Partial Refresh SOLUTION

    SOLUTION   Place the following code in your Page.  (DEMO :   Internet Explorer works perfectly, however FireFox and Opera have a slight issue (please see below). Safari also works well, provided you supply the correct CSS to the header on the page load.   This code forces the required ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Anonymous on July 9, 2007
  • AJAX, Object Doesn't Support This Property Or Method

    I have an ASPX 3.5 project with AJAX partial page postback enabled (<updatepanel>). I hvae from 6 to 8 CuteEditor instances on my pages, some as text boxes with a form and others as text boxes with a gridview.   The editor works fine communicating with the database -- data is retrieved, displayed, edited and stored correctly. However, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jsmorse on July 9, 2008
  • Re: Error: CuteEditorInitialize is not defined

    I agree, that there should be a method of the CuteEditor class that retuns only the headers for a field, but until there is one, this is what I've done to get round it which gets over the problems you describe:   Note that my Rich_text class just gets a new instance of the CuteEditor class with parameters specific to the supplied field ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by dev42 on December 17, 2008
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