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  • Character Encoding?

    We are finding that the character encoding for pages that include the  Wysiwyg seem to be changing from our default ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8...   Is there anything in the CuteSoft Editor that could be causing that? Looking through the ASP & Javascript, I see nothing except with the dialogs.   This is an urgent issue for us, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by dcorbett on May 4, 2008
  • Replace bug in Firefox

    Go to   1. Delete all the existing content. 2. Enter sample text ''i was in the park today.'' 3. Click Find and Replace button. 4. Enter ''was'' in the Find What field. 5. Enter ''been'' in the Replace With field. 6. click Replace button.   Actual: ''been'' is inserted at the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by dcorbett on April 23, 2008
  • RenderControl : Does it work?

    I am trying to render the CuteEditor control using RenderControl but it does not work (renders a textarea)   I cannot use <CE:Editor runat=''server'' /> scripts. The page is produced from a dll dynamically reading xml definition files. I have tried searching for a solution in the forums but had no luck.   Does it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ysovol on April 18, 2008
  • Re: CuteEditor with VS2005 doesn't work!

    Adam,   Keep in mind this is spanish version!   The error is: file (nonexists.aspx) doesn't exists !     Error de servidor en la aplicación '/Framework 2.0'. No se encuentra el recurso. Descripción: HTTP 404. El recurso que está buscando (o una de sus dependencias) se puede haber quitado, haber ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bece4021 on April 16, 2008
  • Re: DNN 4.8.2 compatibility problems?

    mike8375,   Did you miss the step 4?   Deployment files to the DotNetNuke solution. The DNNChatProvider.vb file under App_Code folder should be deployed to App_Code directory of your DNN installation. The license ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on April 14, 2008
  • Source code shows <div> instead of <p>

    I'm thinking of purchasing the developer license for PHP, however while using the demo I've noticed something which may be a problem.   When I view the source it seems to create <div>'s instead of <p> tags. So a simple bit of code like...   <p>This is a test</p> <p>Testing testing ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by creativewithtechnology on April 10, 2008
  • Moderation issues

    Whenever an administrator tries to give moderator access in a room a message is given that states ''The specified user is currently offline or does not exist.''  We can assign all other roles to users, just not moderator.  This seemed to work just fine when we were using our trial license but stopped working as soon as we put in the new ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by mbodily on April 4, 2008
  • Having trouble changing the image upload paths...

    I am trying to chagne the image upload paths and cant seem to get it to go to a subfolder.  Here is what I am trying to do... I have the users recordID stored in a session variable, and so when the user opens a page that the editor control is on, a procedure is called that gets the folder path.  This fuction also checks to see if a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by realprospect on March 31, 2008
  • Competative Upgrade & Version Upgrade

    For some reason I seem to have trouble getting emails from the site so I thought I would post my question here as well.   We purchasd a license for the Cute Editor and shortly after the purchase actually settled on the r.a.d. editor as our editor of chiice for our DotNetNuke applications.   We would now like to move back to using the ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by jhoelz on March 17, 2008
  • Validate email address in forms.

    Hello,   Is there a way to validate the email address written in a form. Let us say I have a textbox field in a form where the customers can write down their email address. Can I validate this field so that the customer can not send the form until there is a valid email-address written into this form?   Best ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GetupdatedAddcms on March 14, 2008