
You searched for the word(s): insert
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  • Re: JavaScript Error - IE7 - Insert Script Drop Down

    Ha!   Worked it out. Changed:   Dim oItem As New CuteEditor.RichListItem() oItem.Text = ''Test Item'' oItem.Value = ''Code Snipet'' oList.Items.Add(oItem)   to:   oList.Items.Add(''Test Item'', ''Code Snipet'')   Don't know why this should make a difference specifically for IE7, but it looks like it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Anonymous on August 26, 2008
  • Re: How do I insert text at end of document (scrolling)?

    Yes. Please Try the following code:   function set_cursor_at_End(){  try{       // get the cute editor instance      var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%= Editor1.ClientID%>');    // get the active editor document    var ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 16, 2007
  • Re: Insert Table Bug

    wh1974: That's fine but when using Firefox I am able to select an entire column, click on the 'right justification' toolbar button. CuteEditor.NET then appears to set the alignment of individual cells in that column as you can see from the following html:   <table border=''1'' width=''419''>    <tbody> ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 8, 2007
  • Re: Insert Editor in td by javascript

    Yes this works, but thats not what i want to do. I don't want open a new window that contains the editor and i don't what to use a datagrid.   Wehn i'm clicking the <td> the editor should be loaded into the <td> without a postback, perhaps it works with AJAX but I haven't already tested it.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Keule on May 24, 2006
  • Re: Insert Hyperlink Dialog issue

    superman: If this is the setting you are talking about, then the insert hyperlink window does not resize. Note that I have made it resizable below..   // Default editorconstant ornaments for the Link dialog editorconstant._linkDialogFeature = ''help:0;status:0;resizable:1;dialogWidth:460px;dialogHeight:214px;'';   When I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 22, 2008
  • Re: Insert images will lock out the user and produce an error

    Me again, after a ''litte'' break i went back to analyse  the problem... We still have the problem in Dnn 3.1. But I've some more details. The error only occurs for new files that are not synchronized. When I sync the Filesystem and Database with the function (provided in Portal Filemanager) all will work fine. Adding a new ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by masom on August 24, 2005
  • Re: insert document icon not showing up on toolbar.

    this did not work.   i am in fact using the simple config.   where as to test it i took out the insert image and it did not show up in the editor.   is there some where else where it could be hidden.   i have also noticed that insert template and help items are also not showing
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Benava on February 11, 2009
  • Re: Insert URL and Insert image problem

    >>It will display the url, ut not the title What do you mean exactly?    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 12, 2007
  • Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Okay, thanks for the quick feedback, Kenneth. Kenneth, 1 More issue, The uploaded video in Insert Video page NOT playing in Mozila firefox.(When we select the check box(video) left side in the insert media page, right side the selected video will display. But for me the video not playing in firefox but in IE working correctly) Can u ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rajmohanp on October 17, 2011
  • insert html on db

    hi,   i must insert the text on db with one applet. But if i insert when i show html mode  it's insert that i write, but if i insert text on db when there is normal mode, the component change the applet,  delelting what i wrote.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by andriex on September 8, 2005
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