
You searched for the word(s): insert
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  • Re: Row/Column Insert Delete Functionality

    Thanx for the quick response. It looks like the first time file is loaded in the control, it does not let you insert/remove rows. But when second time page is loaded you can do the insert/remove functionality. I think it has something to do with the 'clean up HTML', as after page is loaded the first time I clean up the HTML and then post it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jasim on August 23, 2005
  • How to insert (not append) GroupEnd and GroupStart

    I could only find a way to append groupend and start, so I appended and then moved to pos... (see below) Is this appropriate or is there a better way?  Also, should I expect my tool bars to wrap at the groupend markers or are the markers just there for aesthetics?             ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by aaauuummmm on June 1, 2005
  • Re: Insert Hyperlink browse button

    Could anyone provide me with a little direction on this?  How do I return information to the insert hyperlink dialog and set the text property of the inp_src textbox on the tag_a.ascx page from the dialog window opened by the tag_a.ascx? I have tried using opener.document.getelementbyid(''inp_src'').text = value, but this does not ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ThePope78705 on October 29, 2008
  • Re: Insert Groupbox

    >>''Insert Groupbox'' is a function that inserts a <fieldset> tag.  It is not a dialog.  My question is, can I customize the default styles that tag when it is inserted?   ''Insert Groupbox'' will insert the following standard html code. <fieldset><legend>Title</legend>algorithmic and programming ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on April 27, 2010
  • Re: Insert Image inserts image not on cursor position, but at beginning of content (in IE 11.0), while Image Gallery works properly

    Hi Ken,   I tried the demo (after shift-refreshing the page), but still images are being inserted at the start of the content, rather than on the position of the text-cursor... (when using the insert image-icon on IE11 or below).   I installed the new built on my webserver. It also doesn't fix the broken ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wetmaster on April 14, 2014
  • Re: Customizing the "Insert Image" Button

    dmears1,   If you don't need the other options, you can modify the dialog to meet your own requirement.   For example, copying/pasting the following code into insertimage.frame.aspx.   <HTML> <head>    <link rel=''stylesheet'' href='style.css'> </head> <body ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 19, 2006
  • Insert Image functionality... strange occurences!

    Ok please bear with me as this one is quite strange and at the same time quite convoluted..     Content in the cute editor area is html as this ---------------------------------------- <div class=''HomeColumn1''><img height=''119'' alt='''' src='''' width=''277'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mike.chambers on April 9, 2008
  • Re: Simple Insert Image?

     Adam wrote:   3. We may add the following feature in the future version. But the problem of this solution is: whenever you insert an image to the web page, your end users have to upload a new image to the server instead of selecting existing images from the server.       Thanks for the quick reply.  Let me ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by cswsteve on April 10, 2006
  • Re: insert image error - plz help

    yes i deploy the cuteeditor as per the instruction give in the site   and also i added the cuteeditor client files in to my application folder   but still now the error arise, it arise when i click the following buttons in the cuteeditor insert image,insert template,insert flash in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mekalaasri on August 26, 2005
  • Re: Insert multiple images

    >>In image browser is possible tho check a folder, click insert and so insert all images in folder in editor? And/Or select multiple images fro ma folder?   No this feature is not supported. You need to select one image and insert one image.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 3, 2009
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