
You searched for the word(s): silverlight
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  • Silverlight Upload issue

    Hello,   I am tring to uplaod file in Mozilla and I get error ''Silverlight Error Open [IO.IO_sharingviolation_file] Aguments:2-9-10 GC Net lease REIT checklist to murli.xls........''   I am not sure why this is happening. Will anybody help me in this?
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by youandvijay on February 10, 2010
  • Re: Determine if Browser uses IFrame mode

    Hi,   you can try the code below. It will detect the browser has the silverlight/flash or not. If not, it means the uploader will load as the htlm5/ifream mode.   <script>  function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnBrowse()  {      uploader=this;      ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Kenneth on December 18, 2012
  • Re: ClientSize MaxSizeKB Validation

    Hi harikesani,   1. If you want to valid the upload file size at client side, please try aip ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Kenneth on November 2, 2012
  • Re: IE8 JavaScript Error Only On Uploading .txt Files Of Small Size

    We upgraded with the provided DLL to the latest Cute version, & we are still getting the error, although it takes much more file uploads to occur than before.  The specific error we are getting in .NET, when we are in debug mode, is: 'null' is null or not an object Coming from: ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by sparanza on June 3, 2011
  • Re: Need help deciphering error

    (BTW, I tried your ''Quick Reply'' option, and other than it appearing in a too-small window, as I was almost done my reply, the control completely erased, and I lost all my text!) Thanks for the suggestion for trying the link.  It was successful, and I tried the UploaderDebug=1 option, and compared the output. Yours: INFO ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by CCDSystems on May 31, 2011
  • Re: Using IFrame

    Your section solved the problem with the demo and partially in my application. After hiding-showing few times in IE8 I started to get error message:   Failed to call javascript OnSilverlightVerify,Microsoft JScript compilation error Expected identifier Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by tirza on March 19, 2011
  • Re: "UploadModule is not installed into web.config" Error not allowing multiple file selection via Flash file open dialog

    I figured out why I'm seeing the error message. As I mentioned in the inital post, the folder containing the Ajax Uploader files was not in the root of the app but one folder deeper. When I moved the folder up into the application root, I stopped getting the error. You should consider putting in the instructions that the folder needs to be in ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Angelo on February 10, 2011
  • Re: Failed on ReadEntityBody, unexpected data ending

    I see. We installed the latest version and tested both silverlight and flash. As you predicted, flash was terrible with large files and the setting flashloadmode set to true.Silverlight seemed to do a bit better,but still had big delays, and wasn't able to finish, showing the following error in an alert window: SLM error:Error:Target ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by dyte on October 26, 2010
  • Re: disabled upload file button on demo

    john,   I think it's not a server issue. Most likely it's client side issue.   When you testing local and server, are you using the same browser?   Are you using AjaxUploader version 3.0?   Which version of .NET framework are you running on the server?   Can you try the following example and get back to ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Adam on May 1, 2009
  • How to disable Silverlight?

    Hi, Newbie question: How to disable Silverlight? I found out that the syntax is uploader.SetAdvancedOption(UploaderAdvancedOption.NoSilverlight,''true'') My project is ( and  I don't know where to but code above? (web.config...?). Any examples? rgdstosa
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by tosa on June 8, 2010
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