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  • Re: Undo...what is it supposed to do?

    ((grin)) Sorry, didn't mean to be so wordy. =)&nbsp; &nbsp; The new XP service pack&nbsp;is in&nbsp;RC2 and&nbsp;due out at the end of summer so they may also just wait for this to see if it fixes things. &nbsp; =) Plus, I'm guessing the Microsoft boys never thought&nbsp;the MSHTML functionality would become&nbsp;as popular as it is, probably ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 22, 2004
  • multiple license question - not working?

    hi all, &nbsp; Well I was wondering...will it work if a server has multiple license files for the editor?&nbsp; ie...I am hosted on a virtual server with what I expect is a whole lot of other folks.&nbsp; I was wondering...what happens if by chance more than one of us has this software running. &nbsp; Does anyone have multiple licenses running ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 22, 2004
  • Re: Undo...what is it supposed to do?

    Hi Bruce! &nbsp; The undo functionality here is most likely being taken directly from the MSHTML functionality, which for most of the editing code in this software&nbsp;it is most likely a wrapper for.&nbsp;&nbsp;If&nbsp;this is so, then it means your mileage will vary a lot when using it.&nbsp; &nbsp; I could be wrong, but I think it is set ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 22, 2004
  • Re: ...bug/problem in insert template dialog and functionality...Quick Fix?

    Hi all, &nbsp; I made a quick fix, I hope it's ok with the CuteEditor folks.&nbsp; It's probably just something they forgot to add with everything going on. &nbsp; To fix this I added : &nbsp; overflow: auto; &nbsp; to the style for the &lt;div&gt; holding the table for the ''file pane'' &nbsp; Fix: &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Open ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 13, 2004
  • ...bug/problem in insert template dialog and functionality...Quick Fix?

    Hi all, &nbsp; I'm using the insert template dialog,&nbsp;and I've got&nbsp;around 20 template files&nbsp;in the templates&nbsp;directory.&nbsp; When I open the insert template dialog, the amount of files stretches the right area where the files are shown -&nbsp;the ''file pane'',&nbsp;so far down the page&nbsp;that it makes the entire dialog ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 13, 2004
  • Re: File locked after save? Won't load in editor...Help...Can't be deleted, changed etc...Thx!

    Hi All, &nbsp; For the moment I have replaced &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Editor1.SaveFile(mydocument);&nbsp; &nbsp; with &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SaveHtml(mydocument); &nbsp; And &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; public void SaveHtml(String FilePath)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 11, 2004
  • File locked after save? Won't load in editor...Help...Can't be deleted, changed etc...Thx!

    Hi All, &nbsp; First off thanks for your help. &nbsp; This one has stumped me a bit...probably my bad, but could it be a bug?&nbsp; Maybe the file stream left open in the session? &nbsp; I open an html file using:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Editor1.LoadHtml(mydocument); &nbsp; Which works fine and loads the html file, then I make ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 11, 2004
  • Re: SaveAs and Open dialogs

    Downloaded the files again, thanks for the tip. &nbsp; Ok, I've added a dropdown etc... and populated it from my db. &nbsp; Is there a quick way to set the style so that the custom dropdownlist&nbsp;I&nbsp;added conforms with the style of the rest of the dropdownlists in the editor?&nbsp; I'd like it to look like the code snippet dropdown, it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 11, 2004
  • Re: change path to Upload directory?

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Thanks!&nbsp; I'm feeling a bit sheepish tho.&nbsp; Just after I made this post I opened the WinIE.js and found everything i needed. lol =) &nbsp; You actually answered before I could type in my never mind i found it post, post.&nbsp; =)&nbsp; &nbsp; Apparently, I posted this before digging enuff.&nbsp; sry!&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 10, 2004
  • change path to Upload directory?

    Hi, &nbsp; First off thanks to everyone for their excellent help the last couple of days! &nbsp; Hey i was wondering, is there a way to change the path to the upload directory, this is probably in the help file, but somehow I didn't see it.&nbsp; And didn't find it in any forum searches.&nbsp; I'd like to put&nbsp;the directory&nbsp;in a more ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by colin on June 10, 2004
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