Re: Javascript accessing content of Textarea

  •  08-24-2005, 2:36 PM

    Re: Javascript accessing content of Textarea

    ok, this is probably a dumb question - but in trying to further modify the autosave function to work in Safari as well where you simply put up a plain textarea- how can I get to the user modified text? 

    I'm using this syntax: textareaname.innerHTML to try to pull the user input and save it, but I'm only getting the text that was originally there, not anything they might have typed in since loading the page.  for example, if the page pre-populated the textarea with "Please enter your text here", and then the user changes the content to be "This is my text", when I try to access textareaname.innerHtml to send to the database, I only get the "Please enter your text here".

    Keep in mind that we are doing this periodically/asynchronously in javascript while the page is in the user's browser using the settimeout function, and not in response to any user button click or anything.

    Thanks for any help,
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