Re: Accessing a modal dialogue without displaying the editor itself

  •  08-22-2005, 4:47 AM

    Re: Accessing a modal dialogue without displaying the editor itself

    Hi Fermin,
    I think the answer to your question is to use the following code in your BLOCKED SCRIPT
     var url=showModalDialog("../CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertImage.aspx?settinghash=&<%=Editor1.Setting.GetHashString()%>", "Image Manager","dialogWidth:670px;dialogHeight:650px");
    You can instantiate a protected CuteEditor.Editor instance in your page_load event to allow the embedded ASP code to be resolved. However, this still doesn't completely solve the problem, as when you run your javascript function, it gives a "Setting not found" ASP.NET error when trying to open the dialog.
    Anyone know the cause of that?

    Paul Taylor
    Dotcom Software Solutions
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