Re: read in or write out a RTF file?

  •  08-10-2005, 11:58 AM

    Re: read in or write out a RTF file?

    Are there any plans to be able to access the text in any other format?  The problem for us is that there are many controls out there that do this sort of thing ... but all from the perspective of generating web pages, not of generating documents.

    Am looking for an based control over which you can have wysiwyg formating ability, but the text is to be stored in a database, and used to generate letters.  Currently letters are rtf templates using basic .net text controls for non static data, so we just use a search and replace of bookmark tags in the XML template to replace the text with the non standard values

    We would like to be able to use something other than basic format for the body of the document, being able to insert tables ... etc ... just as you can do with this editor, but to generate a word processing document.  We have established that we may have to go to xsl:fo (?) in the future, as it seems like people are moving away from rtf.  Elsewhere on the web, I have seen the suggestion that it is easier to work with FO than with RTF, and developers are choosing that when they have the option. 

    Are you looking at any of these technoligies from the perspective of output formats from the control?
    Thanks for your time ...
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