Re: Suggestion for property

  •  07-31-2005, 10:55 AM

    Re: Suggestion for property


    The thought were to allow the user to mark a word or a sentence and then hit a button and replace the content with predefined stuff etc. (the button being outside of the editor).

    In my case I would need it so the user can mark a special tag-word. Then the user hit a button and get a few properties to select from and when hitting ok the tag-word is replaced by special content. Programmatically I could pick the word by using Editor1.SelectedTextStart and Editor1.SelectTextLength ala as in VB6 and the TextBox.

    The properties for HTML would also give me the HTML in the selected range. The properties should of course by both readable and writeable to the editor.
    But this could also be a nice feature to allow intelli-stuff to happend with the marked word etc.
    Kind regards 
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