Re: Serious help with deployment needed

  •  07-25-2005, 5:48 PM

    Re: Serious help with deployment needed

    about the project:

    The site is an internet site, with only 2 - 3 people allowed to edit the content on the pages. I have a password protection system in place so unauthorized people can not get in there.

    There is only 7 pages to the site.

    Each page needs to be editable. From what I was able to read, I should be able to have an include that pulls the information that is entered with the cutesoft system.

    I have not been able to make it so a client can choose which page to edit. Heck, I can't even get one editor to push to one page.

    I was thinking seperate editors for each page. edit_default.asp pushes content to default.asp, edit_become.asp pushes to become.asp and so on.

    The site itself is done being created. That's not a problem.

    Let's start with the basics.. How do I tell the default.asp page to pull the content that is edited online? Simple, one page editor and one page end result.
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