
  •  07-21-2005, 8:00 AM


    I can see that the property EditorWysiwygModeCss has been mentioned a few times before, but I really think there is a bug with this property.
    Let me first say that I get it to work when using a static CSS file defined in the HTML-tag. I also get it to work by defining it at runtime in the Page_Init() sub as suggested by another user on the forum.
    Unfortunatly I don't get it to work within Page_Load() or in a sub-routine. What I need to do is to provide the current user with its own CSS. I cache a dynamically created CSS to disk so the CSS can be loaded as a file as well as from a dynamic URL.
    I provide the property with a relative link to the css file. The file exists and the same file can be read by IO-functions so there is not the problem. I have tried with tilde (~) and without, with a leading slash and without - no difference (I sticking to using a slash and no tilde).
    I manually add Class-items to the dropdown-list so I set AutoParseClasses to FALSE (tried both anyways, but sticking to FALSE).
    The items are listed, but selecting one on a text does not show the formatting of that class (the text is surrounded by the span and class definition, so this is ok). However, using the exact same lines to set the CSS-file within the Page_Init() does work (but can't use that as mentioned as they can't remain hardcoded as I did to test this).
    I could probably use a dynamic link from within the HTML, but I need to referer to user-idents which is not available before a Page_Init() and therefor I can't provide the url with arguments and will be just as far as with the Page_Load().
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