IP Address on the move...

  •  07-20-2005, 1:18 PM

    IP Address on the move...

    Well guys, you have created two license files for me...

    one for the IP address provided by my hosting company (PureHost), which didn't work, so I guess they misunderstood my request and provided the wrong IP address

    one for the IP address returned by the test.aspx file Adam sent me, which worked great for a day.

    It's a new day and the License is again invalid....not your fault.  It seems the test.aspx file is returning yet another IP address today  Don't need another license until I understand how to handle what appears to be a random IP address being assigned to my webroot....unless you have some ideas.

    I've got a ticket opened to PureHost.com asking if I can have a static IP address for my webroot, so a license file will last more than a day.

    Question, have you ever run into this type of issue before? 

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