Re: Integration with portal (VS.NET 2005 Beta2) ...

  •  07-15-2005, 1:41 AM

    Re: Integration with portal (VS.NET 2005 Beta2) ...

    In general has solved a problem by addition of assembly in GAC, agree not so beautiful decisions for WEB appendices. On what you will not go so that has earned...

    Further other problem has appeared: "<header>", has corrected on <header runat=server>, and the problem with JScript further has appeared...

    On it my tests have ended.

    CONCLUSION: Integration with ASP.NET 2.0 without the help of the developer is not real!

    On English: Automatic intellegance - a task of generations ...
    По Русски: Искуственный интеллект - задача поколений ...
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