Cute Soft WYSIWIG Editor in an update panel to prevent postback

  •  05-16-2016, 7:37 AM

    Cute Soft WYSIWIG Editor in an update panel to prevent postback

    Hi , I am using Cute Softs WYSYWIG HTML  editor on one of our products, however when switching from normal text and html and vice versa the page reloads when either of these buttons are clicked. Is it possible to prevent the page from being reloaded . Could it be possible for me to place the Cute Soft WYSIWIG Editor in an update panel to prevent the postback. The editor is placed populated in plcContent placeholder

     <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="zoneRepeater">



                                                                      Zone Content #<%# Eval("Index")%>



                                                                      <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="plcContent" />




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