Re: DotNetNuke 3.1 and Chat

  •  07-04-2005, 3:06 AM

    Re: DotNetNuke 3.1 and Chat

    How to Integrate Cute Chat and Cute Messenger with DotNetNuke 31

    Got Questions:

    1.  Download the Cute Chat and Web Messenger for Dotnetnuke 3.1 from Unzip the file
    2.  Web\CuteSoft_Server folder and all file it contains should be deployed to DNN_FOLDER\.
    3.  Web\DesktopModules folder and all file it contains should be deployed to DNN_FOLDER\DesktopModules\.
    4.  Web\bin folder and all file it contains should be deployed to DNN_FOLDER\bin\.
    5.  Execute SQLScripts\cutechat2.sql against your DotNetNuke database
    6.  Open the Tools/CuteChatConfig.exe. Type in the connection string, then click the load button.
    7.  Click the "load configuration file" button. In the open window, navigate to Tools\import-this.xml, and click the open.
    8.  Click the "Save the configuration to the database" button.
    9. Modify web.config file and specify the Cute Chat Connection String Provider:
      <add key="CuteChat.ConnectionStringProvider" value="CuteChatControls.DotNetNukeConnectionStringProvider,CuteChatControls"/>
    10. Add new module definition
     a.  Log into your portal using the Host Admin account. From the 'Host' menu, select the 'Module Definitions' menu item.
     b.  Fill in Module Name and Description. Enter "CuteChatControls" in the Folder Name field, then click Update.
     c.  The form should now be extended allowing you to add definitions.
      Enter "Chat" as New Definition, Enter "0" as Default Cache Time and click Add Definition to continue.
      The form should extend further, so click Add Control to continue.
     d.  First add the control that normally will be used, for viewing the chat.
      From Source you should be able to select a control named DesktopModules/CuteChatControls/Lobbies.ascx.
      Select View as Type, and click Update to add the control.
     e.  Click Add Control again to add the second control we need.
      Enter Edit as key, and Edit Chat Settings as title.
      From Source you now should select the control named esktopModules/CuteChatControls/EditLobbies.ascx.
      Select Edit as type and click Update to add this control.
     f.  Now you should be finished, and should be ready to add the cute chat to any tab you want.
    11. Log in as "admin", click the edit lobbies button and add one or more chat rooms to your site. 

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