PHPFileUploader Not Working on Different Server - SOLVED

  •  12-10-2015, 6:01 PM

    PHPFileUploader Not Working on Different Server - SOLVED

    I recently moved a website to a new server, 1and1 Internet. When I run my script, the "Select Multiple Files" button is displayed but when I click on it, the button flashes but the browse dialog box is not displayed.


    I tried changing the PHP version from 5.6 to 5.5 but that didn't help.


    I tried downloading the latest version of  PHPFileUploader and running Demo 1.  Same issue.


    I copied all of the files to my own desktop compuer and ran the script on WampServer.  It worked perfectly.


    Any idea why the 1and1 server isn't working for me.


    Thank you.



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