CuteChat and Community Server

  •  06-28-2005, 4:44 PM

    CuteChat and Community Server

    Almost everything is working except the Chat Admin functions.  As an Admin I can get into the Chat Rooms themselves, but on the main forum side, when I click on Chat Admin, the link is pointing incorrectly.  It points to:
    and it should point to:
    but I can't find out where it is to change it.
    Also when I manually type in the correct link, it does work.... so which file is the link that I need to change in?  I've looked in so many, I'm getting double vision!
    Thanks... I know it's simple.... it's just a pain finding the right one.
    Also Non Admins don't seem to have a Lobby.  It's vanished.  Probably a link problem as well.
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