Re: Just need a better explaination.

  •  06-28-2005, 11:33 AM

    Re: Just need a better explaination.

    Not sure what it was.  I decided to scrap everything , and start from scratch.  I admit, I made some mistakes, and wasn't sure how thngs would react, so my first install probably wasn't the cleanist. I tried alot of diffrent stuff.
    So now that I started from scratch, and everything works the way it should, I would like to tackle this customize login thing.
    I'm looking at the developers guide, and working off the example of DNN3 (since I'm working and looking at the code for the DDN dataprovider class. So I have a couple questions.
    Will I harm anything bring the standalone project in my vs solution, and the fact I'm working in
    Can I still build this dtatprovider in and will it work with the standalone app, or am I expected to write it in c#?
    Couldn't I basicly copy the DDN dataprovider class, and modify a cuple of things, but use that code as my base?
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