Just need a better explaination.

  •  06-27-2005, 1:10 PM

    Just need a better explaination.

    Why when I change the second connection string to my database "Forums" i get this?
    Can't Find Config - DataProviderType
    Line 56:
    Line 57: }
    Line 58: if( ChatWebUtility.CurrentIdentity.IsRegistered && ChatWebUtility.Api.IsAdministrator(ChatWebUtility.CurrentIdentity.UniqueName))
    Line 59: temp += "<a Class=\"menuTextLink\" href='CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin'>Chat Admin</a>";
    Line 60: WelcomeMessage.Text = temp;
    But when it is set to the SamplePortle DB, it's fine. 
    I just want to connect to my DB. I have already built the tables in my DB with the cutechat SQL scripts.

    Step 4: Load and save the Cute Chat configuration file to the database

    Open the Tools/CuteChatConfig.exe. Type in the connection string, then click the load button. 

    In the User Adapter Type and Data Provider Type fields, you need to specify the full type name of the provider and the name of the assembly containing the provider implementation.

    Then click the "Save the configuration to the database" button.


    Step 5: Modify web.config file and specify the Cute Chat Connection String Provider

    	<add key="CuteChat.ConnectionStringProvider" value="CuteChatControls.YourConnectionStringProvider,CuteChatControls" />

    And how or where do I grab the name of the provider. I have looked at DNN3 dataProvider in VB.net, but I can't seem to figure out what
    it's doing. Can I just modify that code slightly to work with my application.

    And when I modify the cute chat string, like above, what do you mean by YouconnectionStringProvider.

    Sorry, I'm a little new at this.

    I'm sure I;ll have more questions to come.


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