FileUploaded event not firing

  •  11-22-2014, 9:56 PM

    FileUploaded event not firing

    Hi, Kennth:


    I have a new issue with the Ajax Uploader that seems to have begun after not using it for a few months.  For some reason, after the file is selected and uploaded, the file shows up in the temp directory as a persisted file object with extension ".resx", but the FileUploaded event (which will copy the file to a new location) doesn't fire afterwards.  Not sure why this isn't working anymore when the code hasn't really changed - I'm wondering if I'm missing another object, such as Ajax-related objects, or license is expired or something (I originally downloaded it in July 2014).  My implementation has:


    1.  In my first page: 

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteWebUI" Namespace="CuteWebUI" Assembly="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader" %> 


    2. Declaration and properties:

    Public upl_AjaxUploader As New CuteWebUI.Uploader

    upl_AjaxUploader.ID = "upl_AjaxUploader"

    upl_AjaxUploader.TempDirectory = "~/uploads"

    upl_AjaxUploader.InsertText = "Upload File (Max 10M)"

    upl_AjaxUploader.FileTypeNotSupportMsg = "bad file type"

    upl_AjaxUploader.FileTooLargeMsg = "file too large"

    upl_AjaxUploader.ShowProgressBar = True

    upl_AjaxUploader.ShowProgressInfo = True

    upl_AjaxUploader.InsertButtonID = "btn_Upload"

    upl_AjaxUploader.CancelButton.Visible = False

    AddHandler upl_AjaxUploader.FileUploaded, AddressOf Uploader_FileUploaded 


    3. Event handler:

    Sub Uploader_FileUploaded(sender As Object, args As CuteWebUI.UploaderEventArgs)

    response.redirect("") 'using this to test if Sub is firing

    'more code here to copy file, omitted for brevity 

    End Sub


    4. Java-script: all commented out. 


    I swear this was working before without a problem, but not anymore.  I'm wondering if there's a postback not occurring, or an Ajax-related object missing, etc.   Why do I see the persisted file in the temp directory and the FileUploaded event doesn't fire?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

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