Hello Adam,
I am the system admin for where HalRau is trying to use the "uploader" portion of CuteEditor for ASP v2.0. You said that the virtual path will work. In my testing and trying to get it to work with a virtual folder, it will not. The code uses the file system object and it tried to open a actual physical folder named "uploads" ( or whatever we name it ) and can not see the virtual folder since that is only visiable through the web server. The "real" uploads folder is outside of the web root folder since we do not want to give anonymous users write access under our web root, that would be a major security risk.
Is there some update or work around to make it work properly with virtual folders (folder that really aren't there but are somewhere else)? I see where you use the FSO to open the folder and you pass the routine a parameter of "spec". Is it possible to "hard-code" this value to the real physical address or will that cause problems elsewhere?