Re: html5: The Upload task is interrupted

  •  03-19-2014, 9:34 AM

    Re: html5: The Upload task is interrupted

    Hi Ken,

    I am using safari version 5.1.7(7534.57.2), and I am trying to upload a file size 55 MB format mp4.

    Please note there is no antivirus/ firewall installed on the PC, When I open a debug mode ON I got the below error


    <CuteWebUI:Uploader ID="uploader1" runat="server" UploaderDebug="1" UploadType="IFrame">



    ' ERROR html5 report ,error,1b18cc68-6bcc-6462-360f-caa41b48ba77,,

    BEGIN event error,filename.mp4:html5 : The upload task is interrupted! 

    END event error,true

    BEGIN event taskerror,error:html5 : The upload task is interrupted! 

    BEGIN event taskerror

    BEGIN event stop

    END event stop '

    I tried on other PCs and other network getting same error on Safari most of the time.
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