Problems with catching client side OnChange in Event

  •  11-20-2013, 5:48 AM

    Problems with catching client side OnChange in Event

     Hey guys!


    I need to handle the change event, when the textarea of CE gets an input (keydown).  A flag should be set and triggers a notification which informs the user about unsaved changes.


    I found the follwing code snippets, but they dont work for me. I dont know why. Or  do i misuse it?

    editor.ID = "rtfDocumentEditor"


    function CuteEditor_OnChange(rtfDocumentEditor) {




    var rtfDocumentEditor = document.getElementById("<% = rtfDocumentEditor.ClientID %>"); 

    function checkIsDirty() { 

          if (rtfDocumentEditor.IsDirty() == true) {

                alert("Unsaved Changes");




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