Configuring LInks Dropdown to hide url in links

  •  06-21-2005, 12:05 PM

    Configuring LInks Dropdown to hide url in links

    I am trying to customize the links dropdown with internal site links in a CMS.
    I noticed from the Developer's Guide that the syntax to add a link to the list is:
    dropdown.Items.Add("Mail to us","support@CuteSoft.Net");
     I was wondering if there is a way to hide the "http ://" and simply say "Yahoo" just like if you highlighted "yahoo" and added a link.

    My goal is to allow the user, when editing in Normal mode, to select from the link dropdown, the name of a page (i.e. News) and only the name of the page shows up in the editor, but has the anchor tag set up in the html.

    Any tips on how to implement this?
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