Re: Small text when Printing from Preview

  •  10-11-2013, 1:58 PM

    Re: Small text when Printing from Preview



    It's not the on-screen print that's the issue. The editor and print preview text is the same. It's when I actually print it to paper that the font size becomes small. The base font size of the editor and preview is 3, but when it prints on paper it looks like size 1. This doesn't happen in your online demo, so i am not sure what's changed.


    This doesn't happen in your online demo, so i am not sure what's chIf you like, I could zip up my project and attach it or email it to you?


    We are using the editor to allow our customers to edit templates for mail correspodnence. These templates are saved in the database and then we generate PDF's using the saved HTML. This works perfectly on our test server and the editor, print preview and finale PDF all have the correct font size. It's just the actual printing from the print preview screen that causes the font to become smaller.

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