breakElements get inserted when pasting from Excel into IE9/IE10 via context menu 'paste' option

  •  09-10-2013, 1:39 PM

    breakElements get inserted when pasting from Excel into IE9/IE10 via context menu 'paste' option

    Hi Kenneth, Adam,


    When I paste a selection from an Excel-sheet (MS Excel 2010) into IE 10 using the "paste" option of the right-click context menu, each line of it's HTML-source is injected with a breakElement (<br />-tag) which leads to invalid HTML (<br /> is not allowed after a <table >, <col >, </tr> or </td>-tag). What's worse is that the resulting table is only visible after scrolling down for a while.


    The good thing is that it doesn't happen when I paste using the keyboard command ctrl-v. (I told my clients, to accomplish their goal using that approach for now. But I think the context menu should work in the exact same way as ctrl-v, since consistency and valid code is what clients expect ;-)


    I would appreciate it if you have a (temporary) fix for this (like: replacing a specific Javascript file) and I assume you will fix this issue in the next update.


    Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!

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