Issue with ISAPI_Rewrite

  •  05-06-2013, 2:23 PM

    Issue with ISAPI_Rewrite

    Hello, I have a problem uploading files with Ajax Uploader when I am rewriting urls with the component ISAPI_Rewrite.

    hen I am trying to upload a file, it throws a dialog alert with message "Unknown result: " and all the HTML page content. I have used UploaderDebug = 1


    This is the rewriting rule:

    RewriteRule ([^?/]+)/sh([\d]+)_(foros|forums|foruns)-p([\d]+).htm($|(\?.*))                                           /showcase/ForumsList.aspx?empr=$2&pag=$4 [L, I] 


    And this is the uploader debug message:


    INFO ScriptVersion ,20121113-01
    INFO UploadType/addontype,Auto/HTML5
    BEGIN event initialize
    END event initialize
    BEGIN event browse
    END event browse,true
    BEGIN event browse
    END event browse,true
    BEGIN event HTML5 select
    END event HTML5 select,true
    BEGIN event start
    END event start
    BEGIN event taskstart,{calificar.jpg:81277}
    END event taskstart
    INFO InitFrame 
    INFO UploadURL ,/MA-porcicultura/foros/p1.htm?AREA=POR&pag=1&UseUploadModule=Dynamic&_Namespace=CuteWebUI&_UploaderDebugMode=1&_UploadID=ctl00_Header_ctl03_ucUpdatePhoto_FileUploaderImage_1367848836772_1&_UploadControlID=ctl00$Header$ctl03$ucUpdatePhoto$FileUploader&ContextValue=!3wEWAQUQRDpcRGV2XHd3d1xUZW1wXMAmM8OZCxSAy8Jydyfc61YNi!31k&_VFN=calificar.jpg&_Addon=upload&_AddonGuid=928ee77e-e9e5-6063-2835-b7c65e6169c3
    INFO html5 report ,response,928ee77e-e9e5-6063-2835-b7c65e6169c3,

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="">
          Foros de Porcicultura

    .... all html code




    Thank you in advance



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