Re: Complete translation of the editor somehow?

  •  03-22-2013, 12:27 PM

    Re: Complete translation of the editor somehow?

    Hi Devello,


    Yes, some of the text did not tralslate in the language file. Some of the translate issue has been fixed in the latest build. I will show you how to change the others.


    1. The "Name" and "Size". 


    You can find it under file \cuteeditor_files\Dialogs\browse_Img.asp, the section below


         s = s & "<th width=136 Class=""filelistHeadCol""><b>Name</b></th>"
          s = s & "<th width=50 Class=""filelistHeadCol""><b>Size</b></th>"

    2. The others under cuteeditor_files\Dialogs\InsertImage.asp 


    Border color 


    <td><%= GetString("BorderColor") %>:</td> 


    Constrain Proportions 


      <%= GetString("ConstrainProportions") %>       


    Alternative text 


    <td valign="middle"><%= GetString("Alternate") %>:</td> 


    Max file size allow 


    <legend><%= GetString("Upload") %> (<%= GetString("MaxFileSizeAllowed") %> <%=MaxImageSize%>K)</legend> 


    3. The upload button text


    under filecuteeditor_files\Dialogs\upload.asp 


    Find section below


     Set uploader=new AspUploader

    And change it to


    Set uploader=new AspUploader
    uploader.InsertText="my upload text"





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