Error: Target length is bigger then file size!

  •  01-17-2013, 9:35 AM

    Error: Target length is bigger then file size!

    When attempting to upload a small (< 5MB) or large ( > 100MB) I am recieving the error "Target Length is bigger than file size!"  when the upload is between 20-30% complete.   The error occurs everytime and is consistent across different versions of Internet Explorer.   We are using a web farm of eight servers running IIS 7.0.  


    The web.config is setup with the following settings

        <add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.TempDirectory" value="\\\apollofileshare\" /> 

          <!-- this appears under the httpHandlers and system.webserver.modules sections -->

          <add name="CuteWebUI.UploadModule" type="CuteWebUI.UploadModule,CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader"/>


    The usage for the ajaxuploader control is part of ASP.NET server control (ascx) and declared using the following.  


          <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments runat="server"




                      CancelAllMsg="Cancel All"




                      FileTooLargeMsg="The File You Are Attempting Upload Is To Large. Please Split The File And Try Again."

                      UploadProcessingMsg="Your Upload Is In Process."

                      UploadingMsg="Your Upload Is In Process."



                      UploadTypePriority="SilverLight, HTML5, IFrame, Flash, Auto"




    Please advise as to what we need to change in order to get the file upload functionality working.  


    Thank You,



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