Re: Can I add a label to the toolbar?

  •  11-30-2012, 6:23 AM

    Re: Can I add a label to the toolbar?

    Hi jagilbert27,


    Please try the example below, it shows you how add a label at the left of the toolbar.


    1. <%@ Page Language="C#" %> 
    3. <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="CuteEditor" Assembly="CuteEditor" %> 
    4. <html> 
    5. <head> 
    6.     <title>example </title> 
    7.     <script runat="server"
    8.         protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) 
    9.         { 
    10.             Label lb = new Label(); 
    11.             lb.Text = "my label"
    12.             CuteEditor.ToolControl tc = new ToolControl("mylabel", lb); 
    13.             Editor1.ToolControls.Insert(1, tc); 
    14.             base.OnLoad(e); 
    15.         } 
    16.     </script> 
    17. </head> 
    18. <body> 
    19.     <form id="Form1" runat="server"
    20.     <CE:Editor ID="Editor1" runat="server"
    21.     </CE:Editor> 
    22.     </form> 
    23. </body> 
    24. </html> 

    More detail of the custom button for toolbar, please refer to







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