Source code has been wrongly changed in cuteeditor! Please help!

  •  11-23-2012, 4:55 AM

    Source code has been wrongly changed in cuteeditor! Please help!



    We use the latest cuteeditor 6.6 but this problem still happen. Please help!


    When we put source HTML with some javascript codes below into cuteeditor, the editor change the codes and this change makes the HTML page cannot work.


    Any settings can we make these orginal HTML code will not be changed in cuteeditor? Below is an HTML code, try to save them as a html page and open by IE, you will see the actual effect. When put these HTML code in cuteeditor, you will see it doesn't work! In particular click on the links like [Payment] [Return Policy] etc. These effects programmed by javascript do not work!


    Any suggestion and solution is highly appreciated! 




    Source HTML code:


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    var   include=function(path){path=""+path;document.Echo('<'  + 'script src="' + path + '"' +' type="text\/javascript"><' +  '\/script>');};
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">include("jquery.js");</script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">include("listing.js");</script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">include("popup.js");</script>
    @charset "utf-8";
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    <div id="heading">Description</div>
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    Model No: 50001<br>Material: 18K Rose Gold Filled<br>Condition: New<br>Diamond Grade: AAAAA CZ Diamonds<br>Diamond: 9pcs 0.05ct CZ diamonds and 1pcs heart CZ diamond<br>Size: 60mm*55mm (inter mesurement) <br>Width: 12mm<br>Shape: Oval<br>Packing: Gemini Velent Gift Bag
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    <li><a href="#mc-tab8">Return policy</a></li>
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    <li><a href="#mc-tab10">Engrave services</a></li>
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    &nbsp;<p> &nbsp;We have AU, UK, USA, Germany &amp; HK shops. Items will send according to your country. If you have any questions, please contact us on ebay message &nbsp;</p> &nbsp;
    &nbsp;<center><h3>United Kingdom Buyer </h3> </center>
    &nbsp;<img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"> &nbsp;
    <p>We provided FREE OF CHARGE shipping for all items via Royal Mail First Class. We will dispatch within 1-2 working days. Estimated arrival time do not counted the handling time. &nbsp;</p>
    <table border="1">
    <th>postage cost</th>
    <th>Estimated Arrival Time after dispatched</th>
    <td>Royal mail</td>
    <td>First Class Service </td>
    <td>FREE </td>
    <td>1-5 Working Days </td>
    <td>Royal Mail</td>
    <td>Next Day Service</td>
    <td>Next day before 1pm after dispatch ((Item dispatch on Friday may arrive on Monday, if item must arrive on Saturday, you can select Saturday guarantee service)</td>
    <td>Royal mail</td>
    <td>Saturday Next Day guarantee Service </td>
    <td>GBP17 </td>
    <td>Next day before 1pm on Saturday </td>
    <h3>Europe Buyer</h3>
    <table border="1">
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <p> We provided several shipping services for EU buyers. &nbsp;We will dispatch within 1-2 working days. Please provide your address code to check price for priority services.</p>
    <table border="1">
    <th>postage cost</th>
    <th>Estimated Arrival Time after dispatched</th>
    <td>Royal mail</td>
    <td>International &nbsp;Sign For </td>
    <td>GBP8 </td>
    <td>5-15 Working Days </td>
    <td>Priority Service</td>
    <td>Please contact us check price</td>
    <td>1-5 Working Days depends on destination</td>
    <td>Deutsche Post</td>
    <td>First Class Register Service </td>
    <td>GBP8 </td>
    <td>7-20 Working Days </td>
    <h3>Australia Buyer</h3>
    <table border="1">
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <p>We will dispatch within 1 working days (except Sat and Sun) Estimated arrival time vary by different item location. Please contact us to discuss if you need items urgently.</p>
    <table border="1">
    <th>postage cost</th>
    <th>Estimated Arrival Time after dispatched</th>
    <td>Priority Service </td>
    <td>1-5 working days </td>
    <td>AU Post Office</td>
    <td>First Class</td>
    <td>1-7 working days
    (only for AU warehouse items)
    <td>AU Post Office</td>
    <td>First Class Register Service </td>
    <td>AU3 </td>
    <td>1-7 working days
    (only for AU warehouse items)
    <td>Hong Kong Post Office</td>
    <td>International Service </td>
    <td>AU3 </td>
    <td>20-35 working days </td>
    <h3>United States Buyer</h3>
    <table border="1">
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <p>We will dispatch within 1 working days (except Sat and Sun) Estimated arrival time vary by different item location. Please contact us to discuss if you need items urgently.</p>
    <table border="1">
    <th>postage cost</th>
    <th>Estimated Arrival Time after dispatched</th>
    <td>First Class </td>
    <td>3-7 working days </td>
    <td>Priority Service</td>
    <td>1-3 working days</td>
    <td>Next Day </td>
    <td>US26 </td>
    <td>Next days after dispatch </td>
    <td>Priority Service </td>
    <td>US20 </td>
    <td>2-3 working days </td>
    <td>EC Ship</td>
    <td>Priority Service</td>
    <td>5-12 working days </td>
    <h3>Canada Buyer</h3>
    <table border="1">
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="60" width="90"></td>
    <p>We will dispatch within 1 working days (except Sat and Sun). Estimated arrival time vary by different item location. Please contact us to discuss if you need items urgently.</p>
    <table border="1">
    <th>postage cost</th>
    <th>Estimated Arrival Time after dispatched</th>
    <td>Hong Kong Post</td>
    <td>International Service </td>
    <td>20-35 working days </td>
    <td>Priority Service</td>
    <td>2-4 working days</td>
    <td>5-15 working days</td>
    <h3>International Buyer</h3>
    <p>We also ship to worldwide, please provide your address to check price with us</p>
    <p>All taxes and duties is responsible by buyers</p>
    <h3>Thank you</h3>
    &nbsp; &nbsp; </div>
    <div id="mc-tab7" class="mc-tabpanel2" style="display: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #404040;">
    <center><h3>Payment Method</h3></center>
    <p>We accept following method of payment</p>
    <li>Credit Card (Visa/ Master/ AE) payment via paypal </li>
    <li>Paypal payment</li>
    <li>E-Cheque payment via paypal</li>
    <p>All items will ship out after the payment clear. We will ship out according to paypal address. Please make sure you provide a details address when checkout paypal</p>
    <p>Please make the payment within 7 days of purchase or notify us first if you need more time shopping. If you have any problem with payment, please contact us for cancellation or something. We reserve the right to relist the item 7 days for the date of the original auction if you don't pay in time</p>
    <div id="mc-tab8" class="mc-tabpanel2" style="display: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #404040;">
    <center><h3>Return &amp; Exchange Policy (30 DAYS Guarantee Money Back)</h3></center>
    <p>We want you to be absolutely satisfied with our products. If for any reasons you aren't satisfied with product(s) purchased.</p>
    <p>You can return any non-engraved item in its original condition for a refund or exchange within 30 DAYS from the delivery date. Please understand that shipping and handling fee is not refundable. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost incurred shipping products back</p>
    <p>For engraved items, please understand we cannot resale for personal items. However, if you have any problem with the engraved item, you can contact us and we will resolve with you</p>
    <p>We are very much appreciate if you can contact us to discuss any of your problem before put down a neutral/negative feedback. </p>
    <p>For the return or exchange, you can</p>
    <li> Contact us on ebay message (please don¡¦t post back without message, there may delay the refund process)</li>
    <li> We will provide a return address to you, then you can put down a note for your ebay ID, refund or exchange request. Please inform us after you post back the item(s) with original packing.</li>
    <li> We will message you when receive your item. </li>
    <li> If you are return for refund, you will receive a cancellation request on your ebay message. Please accept the cancellation carefully. We cannot make the refund if wrongly refuse the request.</li>
    <li> All return or exchange will process within 3 working days. </li>
    OUR OFFICE HOURS: from Monday to Friday, (we will answer your message within 36 hours during office hours) If you haven¡¦t receive our message, please resend once again. Thank you.
    <div id="mc-tab9" class="mc-tabpanel2" style="display: block; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #404040;">
    <h3>Checkout your items</h3>
    <p>You can either place a bid on our item or purchase it instantly using Buy It Now. If you wrongly bid the item, you can contact us to cancel bid before item end. After you've won or bought the item, you can checkout your item by paypal. If you need to checkout later, please contact us reserve items to you. </p>
    <p>Please make sure the following when you checkout</p>
    <li> Put down a correct address when checkout paypal. We will ship all items according to paypal address.</li>
    <li> SIZE SELECT: If there is no size select in the listing, please put down NOTE for your size and color when checkout paypal or email us after checkout. </li>
    <li> RING ENGRAVE DETAILS: If you require engrave service, please put down NOTE for your ring size(s), engrave words and font when checkout paypal or email us after checkout.</li>
    <li> Please check your ebay message after 2 days of payment. You will receive a dispatch notice.</li>
    <li> If you haven¡¦t receive item within our notice period, please contact us to check the delivery status. We will solve out with you shortly.</li>
    <p>OUR OFFICE HOURS: from Monday to Friday , (we will answer your message within 36 hours during office hours)
    <div id="mc-tab10" class="mc-tabpanel2" style="display: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #404040;">
    <p>We provide a custom engrave services for our rings. Engrave words depth around 1.0-2.5mm and word high depends on the model, usually, it would be 1.2 - 2.2mm. You can engrave around 40-45 characters outside and 30-35 characters inside </p>
    <p>Please make sure you for size before engrave. We can only exchange size for non-engraved item. We strongly recommend you go to professional jewelry shop to measure size by a same type of ring</p>
    <p>We provide following fonts, symbols and pattern for engraving</p>
    <table border="1">
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="518" width="615"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="518" width="615"></td>
    <td><img src=""  ="" height="518" width="615"></td>
    <center><h3>ENGRAVE IDEA</h3></center>
    <p>Most customers engrave their wedding day, anniversary day with their names on the ring. You can engrave anywords you want to say. </p>
    <p>The following are some engrave ideas</p>
    <li> I love you forever</li>
    <li> My soulmate</li>
    <li> Where you go I go</li>
    <li>From this moment on 14 Feb</li>
    <li> My love, my life, my friend</li>
    <li> Today, tomorrow, always</li>
    <li>I will always love you</li>
    <li> Forever together</li>
    <li> Ruth 1:16-17</li>
    <li> Amor Vincit Amnia</li>
    <li> My Love...To The Moon And Back </li>
    <li> Forever And Always Your First Lady</li>
    <li> My Lover Partner Friend &nbsp;</li>
    <li> Will you marry me? &nbsp;</li>
    <li> Marry Me, I do. </li>
    <li> I can¡¦t wait to make love to you </li>
    <li> Property of ¡§name¡¨</li>
    <li> I choose you.</li> 
    <li>Red light, Sweetie!</li>
    <li> Love for Infinity</li>
    <li> Eternal Love </li>
    <li> Our life Begins</li>
    <li> My Fate, My Love</li>
    <li> Loving you is the way I celebrate being alive</li>
    <li>I love you more than chocolate</li>
    <li> We dance under one sky</li>
    <li> Until my forever ends..Helen xxx</li>
    <li> Eternally yours</li>
    <li> Forever my love</li>
    <li>To my one true love, Helen xxx</li>
    <li> one ring to rule them all one ring to find them</li>

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    <h3>What¡¦s TITANIUM?</h3>
    <p>It is hypoallergenic, which in short means that very few people have skin so sensitive that they will react to it - unlike gold or silver where reactions are quite common. Titanium wedding rings, the metal has many uses since it has excellent corrosion resistance due to the fact that when it is scratched or machined, the surface forms a protective oxide layer almost instantaneously. This accounts for the reason why it does not lose its color by tarnishing like gold or silver does. Titanium is as strong as sliver but with around half the weight making rings made from this material some of the most comfortable to wear. Also, it will last a lifetime if not seriously abuse with hammers and spanners, but, on the other hand, they are not kryptonite and will show signs of wear in times. Small scratches will appear quite quickly as with rings made from gold or silver and the same rule applies to Titanium rings as to precious metal rings - if you buy a polished ring it will dull down, and if you buy a satin ring it will polish up, meeting somewhere in the middle. Refurbishment of your ring is quite straight forward to us because we specialize in Titanium</p>
    <p>Titanium is a new, popular, exciting material and can be enhanced with gold, platinum, diamonds to keep beautiful wedding always in your mind.</p>
    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <h3>What's Cubic Zirconia (CZ) Diamond ?</h3>
    <p>Cubic zirconia diamond (CZ Diamond) is a kind of precious stone that is synthetic or manmade, or takes on the likeness of, a real diamond. Cubic zirconia is a highly popular gemstone used most frequently in jewelry such as rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets and anklets. People are buying cubic zirconia today due to the improvement in quality and the many fashionable styles available. There are many reasons to wear Cubic Zirconia jewelry than a real one.
    Cubic zirconia jewelries are affordable, beautiful and still sparkling, making it even more attractive. Cubic zirconia rings make you feel elegant and stylish and long-lasting. There are available in many fashionable styles, shapes and colors to fit any occasion.</p>
    <p>Cubic zirconia looks so much like diamonds and inexpensive than real diamond ring. Most often, the differences between a diamond and cubic zirconia cannot be seen with the naked eye. Most diamonds contain a tinge of yellow or brown, with only the rarest being completely colorless, whilecubic zirconia can be produced virtually or completely colorless.
    Just like genuine diamonds, cubic zirconia designs are available in both sterling silver and gold.</p>
    <p>If you buy a cubic zirconia ring, the important thing one should look for is the size and clarity of the stone. Like genuine stones, cubic zirconia comes in different grades which determine its quality. There are different qualities in Cubic Zirconia such as white round A quality, AAA and five star AAAAA quality. Five star AAAAA quality is the highest quality of cubic zirconia has a beautiful brilliant appearance.</p>
    <p>You will save a lot of money, if you decide to buy a cubic zirconia instead of a genuine diamond. Make sure you buy a fine quality cubic zirconia ring for yourself or your loves ones that will last a lifetime. Nowadays, Cubic zirconia are becoming more and more popular as people discover the fire and brilliance of modern cubic zirconia.</p>
    &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <h3>What¡¦s Gold Filled Jewelry?</h3>
    <p>Gold filled items are very durable. Gold filled components and finished pieces are made by heating a pressure bonding a thin layer of gold to a brass core or base. This layer must be at least 5% by weight to be classified as 'gold filled' and it creates a LIFETIME product that is considerably more affordable than solid gold. Gold filled pieces make beautiful, long lasting jewelry that you will be proud to wear for many years.</p>
    <p>When deciding on a gold jewelry item there are always many different terms that come up. The most popular are Solid Gold, Gold Filled, and Gold Plated. It is important to know the differences between Gold Filled jewelry and Gold Plated jewelry when making your choice. Solid gold is of course an exquisite piece of jewelry. Gold filled is the next level and is an amazing, quality alternative to solid gold. Gold plating is the lower level and these items tend to tarnish and can often times. Gold Filled: Gold filled is an actual layer of gold-pressure bonded to another metal. Gold filled is not to be confused with gold plating as filled literally has 100% more gold than gold plating. Gold filled is much more valuable and tarnish resistant. It does not flake off, rub off or turn colors. As a matter of fact, anyone who can wear gold can wear gold filled without worries of any allergic reaction to the jewelry. Gold filled jewelry is an economical alternative to solid gold.</p>
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