remove border / right to left writing / slow updating on IE

  •  10-11-2012, 8:20 AM

    remove border / right to left writing / slow updating on IE

    hello i wanted to ask about 3 problems i am having a solution for any of those will be great !
    1) i want to remove the border for my viewing page , i want the user wont feel there is an editor on that page  but i cant seem to find the right away to remove it , the regular  editor.border = 0px etc aint working 
    2)is there a place where u can define the editor to work on start up from right to left?  i am using rtl languge and when i use something like 

    it jumps to the start of that line 
    3) the loading on the page with the editor on edit mode takes alot of time maybe you know what can cause such long loading 
    I like your editor it has some really nice features i couldnt find in other editors , i hope you can help me 
    Thanks from advance! 
    p.s  i now noticed that when i tried to run it on google chrome and firefox  it went very fast  but on those 2 web browsers i now encountered another problem , i use auto resize and on chrome and firefox  it still leaves a small scrolling area while in IE it works well and spreads on the page fully 

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