Compilation error when trying to overload click event

  •  10-03-2012, 6:51 AM

    Compilation error when trying to overload click event



    I'm trying to disable the "submit" button on my page when there are no items to be submitted to the page. This is my UploadAttachments:

    1. <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments runat="server" ID="ajaxBinaryAttach" InsertButtonID="btnMultipleAttachment" OnUploadCompleted="enableSubmitBtn" OnAttachmentRemoveClicked="disableSubmitBtn"/>  
     This is the code for disableSubmitBtn, which should be called when the remove button is clicked:


    1. protected void disableSubmitBtn(object sender, UploaderEventArgs[] args) {  
    2.      if (ajaxBinaryAttach.Items.Count==0) {  
    3.            btnSubmitMultiple.Enabled = true;  
    4.      }   
    5. }  
     I get this error message when i try to load the page:


     Compiler Error Message: CS0123: No overload for 'disableSubmitBtn' matches delegate 'CuteWebUI.AttachmentItemEventHandler'

    Is there any way for me to execute the code in disableSubmitBtn() before the ajaxuploader deals with the rest of what's supposed to happen when the user clicks the remove button?


    Best regards,


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