OnUploadCompleted doesn't fire

  •  10-02-2012, 10:25 AM

    OnUploadCompleted doesn't fire


    I had AjaxUploader working pretty much as I wanted it. Then my boss requested me to change some parts (mainly UI).

    And now, for some reason, neither OnUploadCompleted nor OnFileUploaded fire anymore. OnFileValidating still fires when its supposed to. 

    Here is my Uploader

    <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments ID="AjaxUpload" TempDirectory="~/App_Data/UploadTemp" CancelButtonID="btCancelUpload"  ProgressCtrlID="UploadPanel" ProgressTextID="UploadLabel" MultipleFilesUpload="True"  ManualStartUpload="True" OnUploadCompleted="UploadCompleted" OnFileValidating="CheckFileSize" OnFileUploaded="FileUploadCompleted" runat="server" >

    Any help finding the error is greatly apprecheated. 

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