Re: Cutesoft editor to Rich text editor

  •  09-18-2012, 7:43 AM

    Re: Cutesoft editor to Rich text editor

    Hi Hlybbi,


    1. You need to create your custom toolbar template first


    Open file "\richtexteditor\scripts\config.js", you will find the toolbar section code below. 


          toolbars      :      

    Add your own toolbar template in it, like


          toolbars      :      
                "mytool": "{bold,italic,underline,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright}",

    2. Set the custom toolbar for the editor 


      <RTE:Editor ID="Editor1" runat="server"   Toolbar="mytool" />


    More details please refer to, the "Toolbar Customization" section.





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