Re: JavaScript error with Font Color

  •  06-10-2005, 12:10 PM

    Re: JavaScript error with Font Color

    Adam, hello! Thanks for the answer.
    No, it's weird that I don't have the problem in the downloaded pages.  Which leads me to think there's something wrong with my ASP, but I only get that error when I use the FontColor icon.
    If this helps, here's my ASP for the box. wfMessage is a variable set above but I've tried it with static text too.
    Dim editor
    Set editor = New CuteEditor
    editor.ID = "wfMessage"
    editor.Text = wfMessage
    editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor for ASP/CuteEditor_Files"
    editor.StyleSheetPath = "CuteEditor for ASP/blue.css"
    editor.ShowBottomBar = false editor.Template="Bold,Italic,Underline,FontColor,Separator,JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,Separator,Copy,Paste,Delete,Undo,Redo,Separator,InsertOrderedList,InsertUnorderedList,Subscript,Superscript,RemoveFormat"
    editor.Width = 400
    editor.Height = 200
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